Professional Career
JUDr. Jozef Kubala is a founder and partner of the law firm KubalaLegal, based in Kosice, where he has practiced as an attorney at law since 2014. Within post-graduate education, he currently works at the Institute of International Law and European Law, Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice. The author of many professional and scientific articles published in both domestic and foreign journals, he regularly participates and gives lectures at scholarly conferences.
- Faculty of Law, Trnava University in Trnava (2008): Bachelor’s degree (Bc.).
- Faculty of Law, Trnava University in Trnava (2010): Master’s degree (Mgr.).
- Faculty of Law, University of Pavol Jozef Safarik in Kosice (2012): Doctor of Law (JUDr.).
- Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia (2014 -2015) - DVC Course on Legal Ethics
Immigration Law
Immigration law is one of the main priorities of JUDr. Jozef Kubala’s specialization, an area in which he is an expert in obtaining and revalidating temporary or permanent residence permits in the Slovak Republic and selected member states of the European Union. This specialization, first of all, includes complex legal consultancy and services related to the carrying out of business activities or the employment of foreigners from the third-party countries in the Slovak Republic. The law firm KubalaLegal, under leadership of JUDr. Jozef Kubala, has represented the interests of and has helped more than 100 clients obtain a residence permit or revalidate a residence permit in the Slovak Republic.
Commercial and Civil Law
In the sphere of commercial and civil law JUDr. Jozef Kubala is primarily specialized in complex legal help for both local and foreign clients during the establishing and management of their businesses and the executing of entrepreneurial activities under the economic competition within the European Union. During his practice as an attorney at law JUDr. Jozef Kubala has participated in many legal due diligence proceedings which preceded the joining of both local and foreign investors into Slovak businesses and the transfer of business shares in those companies. In the sphere of civil law the main areas of his activities are family law, real property law and the whole contractual area related to the selection and processing of all the necessary contracts.
European Union Law
European Union law is a specific sphere of JUDR. Jozef Kubala’s specialization within which, first of all, issues of the main freedoms of the internal market of European Union (free movement of goods, services, capital, and persons), competition law and the protection of the human rights and fundamental freedoms within the context of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union is being determined. Knowledge of the respective sphere is used to provide legal services in all directions of his activity, especially in the context of legal consultancy within the sphere of international trade and legal relationships with foreign elements.
- English-active
- French-passive
Contact information
JUDr. Jozef Kubala
Partner / Attorney at law
KubalaLegal s.r.o.
law firm
Office: Rozvojová 2, 040 11 Košice
tel: +421 915 05 99 33
email: kubala@kubalalegal.eu
KUBALA, J., FRANKO, P.: Pacient, náhrada škody a výzvy právneho zastupovania. In Zborník z konferencie HUMAN RIGHTS FORUM 2012 - Medicínske právo interdisiplinárne, 1. vydanie, 2012, str. 129 a nasl.
TRNAVSKÉ PRÁVNICKÉ DNI - Nová Európa – výzvy a očaká vania (PF TU v Trnave, 22. - 23. september 2016) – vedecká konferencia, vystúpenie na konferencii s príspevkom „Obsah pojmu „účinný“ v článku 47 Charty základných práv Európskej únie "
CHARTA ZÁKLADNÝCH PRÁV EURÓPSKEJ ÚNIE A VÝZVY S ŇOU SPOJENÉ (PF UPJŠ Košice, 30. apríla 2015) – vedecká konferencia, vystúpenie na konferencii s príspevkom „Od všeobecných právnych zásad k čl. 47 Charty: Kodifikácia nepísaného primárneho práva".
SPRÁVNA VEĽKODISTRIBUČNÁ PRAX (Bratislava, 10. september 2013) – konferencia oganizovaná Institute for International Research, vystúpenie na konferencii s príspevkom „Personálne zaistenie správnej veľkodistribučnej praxe - kvalifikovaná osoba"
IV. HUMAN RIGHTS FORUM 2012 (Košice, 20. a 21. marca 2012) - vystúpenie na konferencii s príspevkom „Vybrané otázky týkajúce sa zastupovania pacienta v konaniach o náhrade škody“